On March 19, upon the invitation of the Legal Aid Department, Parkside’s Vincent Lung and Leticia Tang delivered an engaging and enlightening presentation entitled “Tips on Handling Commercial Landed Property Disputes.” This was a dedicated presentation in front of an audience made up of close to 50 attendees including various directorate officers and other members of the Department.
The topics spanned common intention constructive trusts and resulting trusts, proprietary estoppel, and the interplay with the Home Ownership Scheme and other government subsidised properties. They also covered the effect of various trusts on third parties including mortgagees and the impact of illegality on common intention constructive trusts, resulting trusts and adverse possession under the new Patel/Monat regime. The talk was stippled with cases that both Vincent and Leticia had helmed or were involved in, and the speakers inspired an illuminating and informative Q&A session with their audience which served to consolidate and reinforce the skills that members from the Department had acquired.